
MetrioPharm Annual General Meeting

MetrioPharm AG was delighted to welcome its shareholders on June 23, 2014, to the Annual General Meeting in Zurich.

Dr. Wolfgang Brysch, CSO and Chairman of the Board, presented the main developments and milestones achieved in recent months. The company has reached an important turning point. The achievements of the past months enable MetrioPharm to conduct a fi rst-in-men study. This study is a major challenge in the drug development process and a crucial step in the value development for all shareholders.

The annual report and financial statements for 2013 were approved by the shareholders. All acti ons taken by the Board of Directors in the fi scal year 2013 were rati fi ed and the Board members were re-elected for the fi scal year 2014.

Under the presidency of Dr. Wolfgang Brysch, Mr. Markus Wenner and Dr. Werner Wolf will be members of the Board for another year. The Board of Directors was authorized to increase the share capital by a maximum amount of CHF 7,600,000 by issuing a maximum of 38,000,000 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.20. This is an important decision for sustaining the independency of MetrioPharm AG and its drug development for the next two years.

The Board of Directors would like to thank all investors cordially for the confidence in its work..

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