MetrioPharm AG: Annual Review from the President of the Board
Dear Friends and Shareholders,
The year 2015 marks a major milestone for MetrioPharm. We have successfully entered the clinical phase of development for our lead drug MP1032. The aim of the Phase I study was to assess the safety and tolerability of MP1032 in healthy volunteers. Based on our pre-clinical animal data, we had good reason to believe that our drug would prove to be well tolerated and would show little, if any, toxicity. However, the outcome of the study was more than even we had hoped for: there were absolutely no signs of drug-related adverse reactions, nor were there any tolerability issues.
The results of Phase I could not have been better in any conceivable way.
Our team is enormously motivated by these results and is already working in high gear to prepare the submission of Phase IIa of our study in psoriasis patients. This is scheduled to start in the spring of 2016.
Looking back, I can resolutely affirm that the years since the founding of MetrioPharm have been the most interesting, gratifying and rewarding of my life. And the best is yet to come.
I look forward to sharing more exciting news and developments with you, our supporters and investors, in the upcoming year. Our successes would not have been possible without the important contributions you have offered.
Everyone at MetrioPharm extends their best wishes for the holiday season and the year 2016.
Dr. Wolfgang Brysch
Greetings and Annual Review from the MetrioPharm-Team
Dear Investors,
2015 was an eventful year. On 11 April, MP1032 was administered the first volunteers. In the ensuing months, six additional groups of volunteers were tested, and for each individual, we kept our fingers crossed. To our great relief and excitement, we found that there were no major side effects -- whether due to our crossed fingers or to the amazing efficacy of MP1032!
Throughout the course of Phase I, we repeatedly faced obstacles, large and small, and were able to overcome these without losing sight of our ultimate goals. Our success was primarily due to our control and conception of the project at large: once we had finally received approval from the federal authority (BfArM), we were able to go forward with the actual work of Phase I. We coordinated the production and delivery of medication, and while the test period was underway, maintained close contact with the clinic and the administering physicians. Throughout this period, our monitoring and strict documentation of all processes was of upmost importance.
On 16 December 2015, Phase I was completed as scheduled, with the evaluation of the latest data.
We are very proud of the successes we have enjoyed so far and look forward with confidence and excitement to 2016, where the next, Phase II of our study awaits us.
We are enormously grateful for your continued support and feel privileged to be able to pursue this unique path of drug development together.
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year.
Your MetrioPharm team
New Investor Relations Team for MetrioPharm
Dear Shareholders,
In January 2015, Joana Löns left MetrioPharm, following her personal decision to relocate to Frankfurt. In the following months, the company optimized its internal management in order to augment its focus on corporate and financial communications. To this end, a new Investor Relations team was established in November 2015, comprised of Sandra Meissner and myself, Eva Brysch. Sandra Meissner is already known to many of you, having taken care of investor relations in her capacity as executive assistant since January 2015.
As the Investor Relations representatives for MetrioPharm, it is our aim to provide all members of the MetrioPharm financial community with comprehensible, transparent and accurate information. We intend to maintain regular contact with shareholders, analysts and the financial media.
We are here to support you in the acquisition and sale of MetrioPharm shares, and welcome your feedback regarding the company. We accept your expectations as our own, and seek not only to meet these goals, but to surpass them.
I am looking forward to getting to know you.
Kind regards,
Eva Brysch
MetrioPharm Deutschland GmbH has relocated!
In the past two years our research and development team in Hennigsdorf has continuously grown. For this reason we have decided to relocate to larger office space in Berlin. So as not to slow down the development of our lead compound MP1032, we have made the move incrementally over the past six months, and have just recently completed the transition. Therefore, as of 1 January 2016, MetrioPharm Germany's address and telephone number are as follows.
MetrioPharm Deutschland GmbH
Am Borsigturm 100
13507 Berlin GERMANY
Phone: +49-30-3384-395-02
Fax: +49-30-3384-395-99
Metriopharm AG
Bleicherweg 45
8002 Zurich, Switzerland