
MetrioPharm Investor Relations News QIII 2017

Filing of Phase II Study in Psoriasis Patients

On September 26th, the next phase II study in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis was filed to the German Medicines Agency (Bundesamt für Arzneimittelsicherheit = BfArm). The filing to the German Ethics Committee will follow in the next few weeks.

Based on the results of phase IIa of March 2017, a study design with increased dosage is carried out in this phase II study. In addition, the successful completion of prolonged preclinical toxicological trials allows a treatment period of three months (previously six weeks). Moreover, for the first time the effectiveness of MP1032 will be the study’s primary endpoint while the previous study focussed on safety as the primary endpoint.

The study will be carried out in Germany and Poland. The dosage of the first patient is planned for the first quarter of 2018.


10th Anniversary of MetrioPharm AG

Our first company anniversary "10 years of MetrioPharm" took place on September 21st in the small circle of founders and employees. The founders, Rudolf Stäger, Dr. Wolfgang Brysch, and Ekkehard Brysch, took a look back at the development path of MP1032 from small beginnings through advances, setbacks, new insights, road blocks and lastly the successful entry into human clinical development. Peeking into the future, the team of MetrioPharm reported on the current development and future potential of the lead compound MP1032. This team celebration ended with a joint dinner and sharing of many more memories.

10th Anniversary of MetrioPharm AG

Extraordinary Annual General Meeting of MetrioPharm AG

On September 25, 2017, an extraordinary General Meeting of MetrioPharm AG took place at the Priora Business Center in Kloten (Zurich). The reason for this was a numerical error in the amendment to the statutes of the conditional share capital adopted by the 11th Annual General Meeting (Article 3b). It was therefore necessary to repeat the decision-making process with corrected text and to make a notarial record.

Of the total equity capital of CHF 19,882,000.00 (99,410,000 registered shares), 60,194,661 shares were represented. A total of 21 shareholders of MetrioPharm AG took part or were represented. The amendment to Article 3b of the Statutes of MetrioPharm AG was carried out without a counter-vote.

Corporate Calendar of MetrioPharm AG in QIV 2017

November 06-08, 2017: Bio-Europe 2017, Berlin, Germany

Bio-Europe takes place for the 23rd time. Since 2016, MetrioPharm AG has been participating in this high profile Business Development event. Dr. Wolfgang Brysch, CEO, and Felix Edler, Business Development, will use this event for follow-up meetings with interested pharmaceutical companies to update them on MetrioPharm's progress.

November 28-29, 2017: German Equity Forum, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Last year, MetrioPharm AG participated in the German Equity Forum for the first time. This event is established for listed companies to inform analysts and interested investors. In November 2016, a dedicated forum for non-listed companies was added to one of the three days of this event. In this context Dr. Wolfgang Brysch, CEO, presented MetrioPharm AG and established a number of valuable contacts. As a result, MetrioPharm was invited into the venture network of the German stock exchange (Deutsche Börse Venture Network) as a private equity company. This is an opportunity to position MetrioPharm as a future IPO candidate.


Felix Edler joined MetrioPharm

In May 2017, Felix Edler has taken over the Business Development department from Dr. Jan Weber, who is on parental leave. Felix studied Business Administration at Georg-August-University in Göttingen and worked at Human Resources for Continental in Frankfurt. In addition to business development, Felix will also advance the organizational development of MetrioPharm AG. With more and bigger development projects, the organizational challenges at MetrioPharm are increasing rapidly. Felix will focus on keeping the company’s organizational structure flexible, adaptive and efficient as projects and the company keeps growing.

MetrioPharm, Felix Edler, Business Development



Your contacts at MetrioPharm are:

 MetrioPharm, Eva Brysch, Investor Relations Manager                        

 MetrioPharm, Sandra Meissner, Executive Assistant
Eva Brysch
Investor Relations Manager
Phone: +49-(0)30-3384-395-40
E-mail: invest@metriopharm.com
Sandra Meissner 
Executive Assistant
Phone: +49-(0)30-3384-395-22
E-mail: invest@metriopharm.com


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