MetrioPharm Investor Relations News QII 2017
11th Annual General Meeting of MetrioPharm AG
The 11th Annual General Meeting of MetrioPharm AG was held at the Priora Business Center in Kloten (Zurich). At the beginning, the Management and Board of MetrioPharm AG presented the 2016 annual financial statement and the progress of MetrioPharm's Research and Development projects. Based on the positive results of MP1032 in psoriasis patients, MetrioPharm AG is expected to start another Phase II trial in this indication this year. In addition, clinical proof-of-concept trials are planned in one or two further indications to demonstrate the full potential of MP1032, thus strengthening MetrioPharm's position in possible licensing negotiations.
Following the unanimous discharge of the Board of Directors, Ekkehard Brysch was re-elected to the Board for another year. Dr. Sylvie Grégoire could not be re-elected for time-related reasons – you will find a personal statement of Dr. Grégoire later on in this newsletter. Therefore, Mr. Rudolf Stäger was elected to the Board as a new member for one year. Rudolf Stäger has more than 30 years of experience in the financial sector and will support MetrioPharm AG in the financial and strategic future development. The Board of Directors will be constituted in the coming weeks.
In addition, the General Meeting resolved to create authorized capital with a maximum of 49,705,000 shares to be issued with a par value of CHF 0.20 each and the creation of conditional capital at the same level. As a result, the management of MetrioPharm AG is empowered to conclude the next financing round.
66,213,640 shares of the CHF 19,882,000.00 capital stock (99,410,000 ordinary registered shares) were present. A total of 40 shareholders of MetrioPharm AG attended the AGM personally or through proxy.
You can find the detailed voting results to the 11th Annual General Meeting on our website under MetrioPharm AG: voting results.
Letter from Dr. Sylvie Grégoire to MetrioPharm's Shareholders
Dear fellow MetrioPharm shareholders,
After serving as Executive President of the Board for this last exciting and successful year, it became apparent to MetrioPharm’s management team and myself how ambitious it was to have me deeply involved in the management of the company while continuing to fulfil my pre-existing and longstanding other obligations and board positions. The Phase IIa positive outcome increases the activity level at MetrioPharm and my availability combined with my living in Boston does not allow to fulfill properly the demands of active involvement into MetrioPharm’s management.
We all knew this would be a challenge when Wolfgang and Ekkehard convinced me at a meeting in Paris to join MetrioPharm’s Board in 2016. I’m glad that I was able to support MetrioPharm during the important process of its first Phase II clinical trial.
In light of my increasing other obligations and in accordance with MetrioPharm’s Board and the operational management, we all decided that I will not stand for re-election for another term as Executive Chair of the company at this year’s General Assembly on June 22, 2017.
Having been closely involved in the important and successful advance of the company’s drug development program to clinical Phase II as well as the insights into the underlying science of our lead drug MP1032, my confidence into the medical and commercial potential of MP1032 and the company as a whole has grown strongly over the past year. As a shareholder, I look forward to stay closely associated with MetrioPharm in the future and am happy to support the company’s further advance wherever possible. I am only a phone call away
Dr. Sylvie Grégoire
MetrioPharm at German Biotechnology Days, Hannover, Germany
On April 05, Dr. Wolfgang Brysch represented MetrioPharm at German Biotechnology Days in Hannover, Germany. Since 2010, the Council of German BioRegions in BIO Deutschland has put on the German Biotech Days, an annual two-day event that provides a forum for all stakeholders in Germany's biotech scene to exchange views and experiences. The event has continually grown over the years, becoming the leading networking platform for the German biotech industry. Dr. Wolfgang Brysch talked about inflammatory immune diseases in front of a broad specialized audience of entrepreneurs, researchers, and partners from politics, funding institutions and administration, and presented the phase IIa results of MP1032 in psoriasis at the symposium "Later Stage and Public Companies".
MetrioPharm AG at Swiss Biotech Day 2017, Basel, Switzerland
The Swiss Biotech Day has long become the standard annual get-together of the Swiss biopharmaceutical industry. In addition, a matching between investors, pharma-partners and biotechnology companies has been taking place since 2016.
On May 04, MetrioPharm AG was represented by Dr. Wolfgang Brysch, CEO, and Eva Brysch, Investor Relations, in several meetings with interested financial and pharmaceutical partners. Moreover, Dr. Wolfgang Brysch presented MetrioPharm's results from phase IIa within the framework of "Emerging Companies".
MetrioPharm AG at BioEquity Europe, Paris, France
Celebrating its 18th meeting from May 22 until May 23, BioEquity Europe is the seminal industry event for financial dealmakers looking for investor-validated life science companies positioning themselves to attract capital, and for pharmaceutical licensing professionals to assess top prospects. MetrioPharm AG participated in this event for the first time and introduced the company to some promising potential financial and pharmaceutical partners.
Corporate Calendar of MetrioPharm AG in QIII 2017
Until the time this investor newsletter was issued, MetrioPharm AG does not plan to participate in any events during the third quarter of 2017. However, short-term participations are not excluded. You can always find out more about this at our website at MetrioPharm AG: Corporate Calendar.