
Phase I – the next step


Zurich/Berlin, June 23, 2014. Since MetrioPharm AG was able to finalize the regulatory pharmacology and toxicology studies in the past months, all requirements for clinical studies are now fulfilled.

The clinical trials are an important part in the drug development process, in which the efficacy and safety of the drug is going to be analyzed.
The upcoming clinical Phase I trial investigates the safety and characteristics of the compound in the hu-man organism.

In this part of the clinical trial, the substance is tested in a small group of healthy volunteers.
According to our company principles, the clinical Phase I trial will be conducted together with a specialized and experienced partner.
First validations of the bioanalytical measurement methods necessary for these trials have already begun.

A successful completion of the Phase I trial will confirm the safety of our substance. Only with a positive result further tests on the efficacy in certain indications is possible. As MP1032 already achieved an out-standing safety profile in all preclinical tests, MetrioPharm AG is highly confident to obtain excellent results.

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